sear.c for Debian sear.c is used as a lightweight replacement for SearX that proxies and caches search results from the Google web search engine. The main advantages over SearX are speed and simplicity. * run the daemon - it starts listening on HTTP port 7327 (remember it by picturing phone keyboard buttons with letters SEAR (; ) * optional: create a reverse proxy for HTTPS * navigate to http://localhost:7327 and do a couple of searches to see if everything works * the horseshoe button redirects directly to the first result without wasting time on the results page. use if you feel lucky. (BP) * the image button searches for images and embeds them directly from servers systemd users can start with service sear.c start please also read the file in the git repository or via web: -- Anton Luka Šijanec Pon, 23 Aug 2021 18:00:00 +0200